
Service Provider’s Name: Oxygeni Hair Limited Liability Company

Service Provider’s Representative: Mariann Bácsalmási

Service Provider’s Registered Office and Official Mailing Address: 2040 Budaörs, Kecskekő utca 8.

Service Provider’s Premises: 2040 Budaörs, Felsőhatár utca 1. and 1117 Budapest, Alíz utca 6/B

Service Provider’s Company Registration Number: 13 09 201241

Registry Court: Company Registry Court of the Budapest Metropolitan Court

Service Provider’s Tax Number: 27038905-2-13

Service Provider’s Electronic Contact:

Service Provider’s Phone Number: +36 (70) 432 8175

Registry Court: Company Registry Court of the Budapest Metropolitan Court

Hosting Service Provider’s Information:

Name / Company Name: Lion Stack Ltd.

Registered Office: 6500 Baja, Kölcsey Ferenc utca 102. 4th floor, 10.a
