
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions.

The Development of Acne

Acne and pimples affect many people nowadays. The cause of its development can be hormonal, bacterial, or due to inflammation, stress, psychological factors, allergies, or improper diet including excessive sugar consumption. Side effects of various medications may also contribute, as well as hygiene issues, the use of unsuitable cosmetic products, and poor skincare habits.

The problem may arise from the combination of multiple factors: intolerances, improper product use, inactive lifestyle, unhealthy diet, so it is worth also addressing inflammation through lifestyle changes.


The Process of Acne Formation


Pores become clogged, which, if open-ended, oxidize and form blackheads.


The oily skin layer becomes a favorable breeding ground for bacteria, allowing them to multiply easily.


The immune system responds with inflammation, often leading to pustules and inflamed lesions. These inflamed acne areas most commonly appear on the face, back, chest (or anywhere with oilier skin).

Characteristic Symptoms of Acne

The symptoms of acne are easily recognizable, visible to the naked eye as inflamed, reddish pimples on the skin surface.


The presence of stress in our lives is healthy to a certain extent, but if we are exposed to excessive stress for too long, it can harm our health.

People who have acne often turn to various cosmetics and cleansers hoping to get rid of the pimples. However, many products contain chemicals that can irritate the skin and worsen acne. Aggressive cleansers and alcohol-based cosmetics, for instance, can dry out the skin, prompting it to produce even more oil, thus exacerbating acne. It’s important to opt for gentle products free from harsh chemicals to avoid skin irritation and aid in acne management.

We can inherit a predisposition to acne in our genes, but with proper lifestyle and skincare routines, the development of these skin issues can be prevented.

The nutrients consumed on a daily basis reach the deeper layers of the skin via the bloodstream. Unfortunately, the same applies to toxins, so it’s important to pay attention to what you eat for the health of your skin.

Our skin needs vitamins and minerals. If we don’t ensure sufficient vitamin and mineral intake, we might further help the development of skin issues. 

Illnesses weaken our immune system, so during prolonged illnesses, our skin’s natural defense also decreases.

Hormonal changes trigger sebum and keratin production. If too much keratin is produced, pores can become blocked, just like with excessive sebum production.

Acne is a natural consequence of detoxification

Detoxification is the process by which our body gets rid of harmful substances, i.e., toxins. Internal detoxification processes in our body can cause acne inflammation.

Let's not forget that our skin is a huge organ that renews itself from the inside out, meaning the outer layers constantly die off and shed, while the inner layers fill up. As a result, accumulated impurities in the deeper layers can cause inflammation and acne when they reach the upper layers of the skin.

So, our acne symptoms may indicate that our body is cleansing itself, trying to rid itself of toxins through our skin. In such cases, as suddenly as the problem appears, it usually disappears.

Acne is the skin's diabetes

Sugar (glucose) enters the cells from the bloodstream with the help of a hormone called insulin, where it is then converted into energy. The bodies of people with diabetes either do not produce glucose or do not respond to it. Scientists believe that acne is nothing but the skin's diabetes. In other words, among those prone to acne, it is common for the body to not efficiently deliver sugar to the cells.

To avoid this, it is important to eliminate all sugary foods and drinks, as well as sugary sweets from our diet: chocolate, cookies, cakes, all kinds of desserts, and even foods and drinks containing added sugar (e.g., sugary teas, cereals).

HORMONAL ACNE - What Hormonal Changes Can Cause Acne?

Teenage hormonal changes

Androgen hormones produced during adolescence stimulate increased sebum production in the skin, resulting in oily skin on the face and often on the back. The mixture of sebum and dead skin cells clogs pores, leading to the formation of inflamed pimples.

High DHT levels

High testosterone levels are often accompanied by an increase in DHT levels. The testosterone derivative called DHT enhances skin sebum production, leading to the development of acne.


Hormonal acne may appear in women due to hormonal changes occurring during the menstrual cycle. Some experience skin problems before ovulation, while others do so after menstruation.


During menopause, estrogen levels decrease in women’s bodies, disrupting the previous hormonal balance, which, like the above cases, leads to increased sebum production and acne formation.

Tips for Hormonal Balance

Avoid xenoestrogens!

Xenoestrogens are artificial hormones that have similar effects on our bodies as estrogen. We can encounter xenoestrogens in foods treated with insecticides or herbicides, plastic packaging, as well as in some household cleaning products, tampons, sanitary pads, and condoms. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to these products that are free from artificial substances, so try to opt for those!

A healthy liver is the key to hormonal balance!

Our liver plays a crucial role in the natural detoxification processes of our body and in maintaining hormonal balance, so it’s important to take care of its health. If toxins accumulate in our body faster than our liver can break them down, its function slows down, it won’t be able to filter out estrogen, thus leading to estrogen dominance. To avoid this, use liver-supporting dietary supplements!

The right diet can help a lot!

High glycemic index carbohydrates and high-sugar foods cause an increase in blood sugar and insulin levels in our body, which is accompanied by an increase in testosterone levels. To avoid this, pay attention to healthy eating and balanced, proportionate food types.

balanced nutrition

Acne Can Be Classified into Three Severity Levels


We refer to mild acne when there are many blackheads on the face and surrounding areas, but there is little inflammation present. The symptoms usually subside relatively quickly on their own.


In the case of moderate acne, several inflamed nodules and even some pustules appear on the skin alongside blackheads. These symptoms can cause more discomfort, as the larger nodules can also be painful.


With severe acne, many painful, inflamed nodules appear on the skin, which often become pustular. In such cases, the entire face or skin surface may be covered with inflammation, which can merge into abscesses. In rare cases, skin symptoms may be accompanied by fever.

The Vicious Cycle of Acne and Stress

The human body is extremely sensitive to stress. When we’re “stressed out,” stress hormones are released in our bodies, one of which is cortisol, a hormone that increases the production of skin oil, thus increasing the likelihood of acne formation.

Complicating matters, during a particularly stressful period, we might have bigger problems than focusing on skincare. Moreover, some people tend to alleviate stress by picking or scratching their skin, which further complicates healing and can cause additional discomfort.

Tips to Help Combat Stress


Exercise regularly to prevent acne formation!

Ideally, we should spend most of our day engaged in movement and exercise. However, in reality, much of our movement consists of shopping or standing around during work.

We hardly engage in cardio or stress-relieving exercises.

Regular physical activity improves blood circulation, oxygenates the body, helps detoxify, and contributes to stress reduction. Most importantly, find a sport that you truly enjoy!

Treating Acne

We need to be cautious about squeezing skin lesions, as this often does not help and can damage the skin. Only blackhead comedones should be squeezed. These are located in wider pores of the skin and have an open surface, making them easier to cleanse with careful squeezing.

Avoid overly frequent and intensive cleansing, as this may hinder healing, as inflammation typically follows immediately after cleansing acne-prone skin.

During acne outbreaks, it is recommended to avoid needle-based cosmetic treatments, as they can cause scarring and infections. Based on this, needle-free mesotherapy may seem like an appropriate solution. However, although it can have many positive effects, it is not guaranteed to solve the problem because it does not deliver the active ingredients deep enough into the skin.

Ultrasonic treatments can be excellent for delivering active ingredients deep into the skin without damaging it. Make sure that the treatment is done with 100% natural ingredients, as introducing harmful chemicals into the deeper layers of the skin can do more harm than good.

Laser therapy can be an excellent choice for treating scars. Make sure that you choose the right time for the treatment. Since the treatment makes the skin sensitive, it is best to do it in winter.

Peeling treatments, like laser treatments, are only recommended in winter, as they make the skin photosensitive. Don’t forget that the substances used for peeling can cause irritation and allergic reactions, so not everyone’s skin is suitable for these treatments.

Results Achieved with Cosmetic Oxygen Therapy

Treatment of Acne with Cosmetic Oxygen Therapy

Needle-free treatment with 100% natural ingredients

With cosmetic oxygen therapy, we can achieve remarkable results. The treatment is 100% reliable and risk-free, based entirely on natural ingredients. Through proper oxygenation, vitamin, and mineral supply, the cells rejuvenate, the skin is cleansed of impurities, and regains its proper pH balance due to its acid-breaking and alkalizing properties.

During our open day, you have the opportunity to try the treatment at a discounted price, get a free diagnosis of your potential skin problems, and you can even purchase our products at a discount.

Cosmetic oxygen therapy is not photosensitive, so it can be used even in summer on problematic areas.

Typically, 5-10 sessions of treatment combined with a home skincare routine are sufficient, but additional treatment may be necessary for severe problems.

Want to know more about oxygen therapy treatments?

Why is Home Skincare Important?


We need to take much better care of our skin than we think

The skin is our body’s most sensitive organ and also the most important one. A healthy skincare routine starts by protecting our skin from external factors and not harming it through our own neglect.

Our protective layer is vital for absorption and elimination, regulating body temperature, protecting us from invaders, and acting as an excellent sensory organ towards the external environment. A diet rich in the right amount of water, good fats, vitamins C, D, and A, and nutrients is essential for our skin to maintain its function.

Treating Acne-Prone Skin

Treating problematic skin surfaces is worth considering for several reasons.

Firstly, inflamed lesions can cause permanent scarring, which can leave marks on our skin for life. Secondly, due to aesthetic concerns, it can be very mentally taxing for the individual and may lead to a deterioration in their quality of life and even depression if their condition does not improve.

Acidic and drying cosmetics may seem like a good solution at first, but often they can lead to serious allergies or new skin problems.


Natural Cosmetics for Acne

In the long term, it is important to replace our hair and skincare products with chemical-free, natural, 100% vegan products.

For those suffering from acne, it is particularly important that their skin and scalp are treated with the right products that both disinfect and moisturize the skin without causing further irritation. Oxygeni Hair & Skin products are rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements and, thanks to their chemical-free formula, provide maximum care for the skin.

Choose Oxygeni Hair and Skin for balanced and natural skincare!


Can you imagine the damage you can cause to your body by using toxic products?
Your skin is the largest living and breathing organ. It absorbs up to 60% of what you put on it, so it’s important to use only what’s best for your skin!

Non-organic, industrial skincare products contain many toxins.

The best way to avoid harmful skincare products is to switch to products made from natural and organic ingredients, such as Oxygeni Hair & Skin products. Discover the world of natural skincare routines and the long-term benefits of using 100% natural skincare products!

oxygeni hair

Recommended products for acne:

The main active ingredient of Detox Wash is cucumber extract, which regulates sebum production, making the product a perfect match for treating an oily scalp. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Soothes the skin and has powerful cleansing, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties that also help treat pigment spots. Detox Wash helps prevent and reduce the formation of dandruff.

A multifunctional product that provides natural hydration, soothes oily scalps, and can also be used as a cleanser for oily and acne-prone skin.

Oxygeni Hair Sensitive Wash is a scalp and face wash suitable for cleaning sensitive skin. A gentle product that effectively cleans the skin, scalp and hair of impurities without drying them out thanks to its nourishing and hydrating properties.

Rich in panthenol, Sensitive Wash helps eliminate dandruff, dry skin, itching and reduce excessive sebaceous gland activity making it a great choice for slightly oily skin.

Oxygeni Hair Tonic is a refreshing face and hair tonic based on aloe vera. It fights bacteria and pathogens, has a cleansing, disinfecting and moisturizing effect on the skin and simultaneously helps to restore the skin’s pH value. The majority of skin problems and hair loss are related to an unbalanced pH value of the skin. With the help of refreshing tonics, you can both treat and prevent these problems.

Oxygeni Hair Aloe Vera Gel is produced by the cold pressing of the aloe vera plant. Thanks to its germicidal and anti-inflammatory properties, it acts effectively in problematic areas. It is an effective aid in the treatment of irritated, reddened, inflamed, and sensitive skin. A multifunctional product recommended for the care of the scalp, hair and the entire body, as well as for dermatological and trichological purposes.

We’ve created a luxurious and high-quality multifunctional Moisturizing Cream, which due to its unique and 100% chemical-free formula provides a perfect solution for any SOS hair and skin problem.

With the power of hazelnut, shea butter, and flower waters, our latest multifunctional cream intensively hydrates and does not leave a greasy residue on the skin and hair. Thanks to its high antioxidant content, it also rejuvenates the skin and hair.

Vitamin Serum contains the vitamins and minerals that hair and skin need the most. It’s a hair growth serum rich in vitamins A, B, C, E and red grape antioxidants that replenishes the skin and its structure, and revitalizes and stimulates hair follicles and cells while strengthening the skin’s resistance and immunity.

Detox Oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Tea tree oil stimulates blood flow, promotes healthy hair growth, controls the amounts of dandruff, and also has an anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. A perfect solution for the treatment of superinfected, inflamed, and damaged epidermis. Also recommended for sensitive scalp and skin. The many beneficial properties of vitamin-rich rosemary oil include preventing the peeling of the skin and scalp and also having a hair-strengthening effect.

Due to its unique composition, Detox Oil is both a cleansing and a hair-growth-stimulating product that soothes the skin and reduces inflammation.

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Which foods should you avoid when dealing with acne?

Dairy products

Consuming dairy products significantly raises blood sugar levels. Dairy products may contain hormones that have a negative impact on a person’s hormone balance. Try a dairy-free diet for a few weeks, consume plant-based dairy alternatives, and observe the condition of your skin!

Sweets, sugar

Eliminate all kinds of sugary foods and drinks, as well as sugary desserts from your diet: chocolate, cookies, cakes, all kinds of desserts, and even foods and drinks containing added sugar.

High glycemic index foods

They are often associated with acne-prone skin, these “white carbohydrates”, sugary foods made with white flour: pastries, white bread, pizza, pasta, etc. Instead, consume slow-digesting carbohydrates: oats, quinoa, brown rice, potatoes, whole grain products.

Greasy, spicy foods

Very greasy, spicy foods are not recommended for those struggling with such skin problems. Consuming oily, greasy foods increases the production of sebum in our bodies, which can lead to more acne.
