
How to recognize Seborrhea and what are the treatment options?



Seborrhea, also known as seborrheic dermatitis, refers to a lifelong autoimmune process that can have symptom-free periods, but symptoms tend to return over time. It primarily affects the scalp but can also appear on the face, chest, back, and other oily areas of the body. Dandruff, a symptom of seborrhea, arises from fungal overgrowth and increased sebum production from the scalp and skin, leading to oiliness. There can be multiple causes for the development of seborrhea, often a combination of factors leading to the appearance of the problem.

It affects about 5% of the population and can occur in any age group, affecting both women and men. Childhood seborrhea is often only temporary, with symptoms appearing on the top of the head, near the ears, or eyebrows.

How does an autoimmune background influence seborrhea, and how is it linked to intolerances?

Autoimmune processes develop due to the body’s intolerances.

Numerous factors can trigger or aggravate seborrhea, including air pollution, chemicals, pesticides, radiation, and improper hair and skincare routines. Additionally, various medications, diseases, and medical treatments like chemotherapy and hormone therapy may play a role, along with vitamin deficiencies and other conditions such as malnutrition or intestinal issues.


Additionally, foods can also trigger intolerances. Nowadays, food intolerances have become quite common due to the many artificial substances used in food production, such as fertilizers, preservatives, contaminated water, and additives. Intolerances can also arise from psychological factors like stress, family issues, or divorce, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. When multiple intolerances occur simultaneously in the human body, the immune system begins to “attack” its own cells in response, leading to the development of autoimmune diseases.

Did you know that there are many different potential causes for the development of seborrhea?


Symptoms of seborrhea include dandruff, as well as an itchy, red, and inflamed scalp or skin. Temporary hair loss may also occur due to the inflammatory process or severe scratching. Additionally, seborrhea is often associated with oily skin and scalp; however, it’s important to note that dry seborrhea can also occur. It’s crucial to distinguish seborrhea from dandruff, as dandruff can be treated and is usually temporary, whereas seborrhea refers to a lifelong autoimmune condition.


Sebum production issues

Increased sebum production leads to the excess oil clumping together the dead skin cells on the scalp, preventing them from shedding and causing them to accumulate. This buildup on an oily scalp can result in infections and inflammation due to the trapped dead skin cells. The sebum layer may block the openings of the sebaceous glands, causing hair follicles to become diseased prematurely, which can lead to hair loss. The underlying causes of excessive oiliness can include gastrointestinal disorders, hormonal factors, poor nutrition, stress, physical exertion, consumption of fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods, or overdosing on synthetic dietary supplements.

Bacterial Superinfection

Seborrhea is often accompanied by oily skin and scalp. Dust and dirt quickly adhere to the layer of sebum, where bacteria can proliferate more easily, leading to the development of a bacterial superinfection. In such cases, a so-called “head odor” is often noticeable, which does not disappear even after washing with shampoo or can return almost immediately after. In these situations, it is important to disinfect the scalp and skin and use antibacterial products. however, be careful not to dry out the scalp and skin, and make sure to moisturize them with chemical-free products.

Seborrhea symptoms, however, can be relieved! Take a look at what we’ve achieved so far with oxygen therapy:

Besides skin symptoms, what are some other issues one might experience?

Severity Levels

Seborrhea can range from mild to severe. The severity levels are typically as follows: mild seborrhea (slight flaking or dandruff, mild itching, occasional redness), moderate seborrhea (persistent dandruff, noticeable redness, moderate itching, and oily patches), and severe seborrhea (intense itching, significant redness, thick, oily scales, and potential secondary infections from scratching).

Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the condition. Mild cases can often be treated at home, while moderate to severe cases require longer-term professional care and a strict hair and scalp care routine. It’s also important to identify potential triggers and avoid factors that can cause or worsen the problem, such as stress, certain weather conditions, or harsh cosmetic products.

How can Seborrhea be distinguished from other skin issues?

Dandruff or Seborrhea?

The main difference between dandruff and seborrhea is that while dandruff is an easily treatable and quickly curable issue, seborrhea is a lifelong autoimmune condition. Dandruff usually develops on the scalp due to a cold, dryness, or exposure to certain chemicals, but it is a temporary symptom. Dandruff can also be one of the symptoms of seborrhea. In the case of seborrhea, there may be symptom-free periods, but the symptoms eventually return. The flaking of the scalp, or dandruff, is caused by the overgrowth of fungi and bacteria, while the oiliness results from increased sebum production in the scalp and skin.

Psoriasis or Seborrhea?

Psoriasis and seborrhea are often mistaken for one another, but the main difference is that psoriasis appears as a whitish, dry, scale-like layer on the scalp and body, while seborrhea is characterized by redness, oiliness, and flaking. Seborrhea typically manifests on the scalp and face, whereas psoriasis can occur anywhere on the body, often in skin folds. Both conditions are autoimmune diseases that can be triggered by intolerances, and unfortunately, they can only be managed, not cured. A proper, mindful lifestyle, healthy diet, and stress management can promote improvement, and both conditions can be treated with external treatments. Neither is contagious!

What Can Trigger Seborrhea?

While there isn’t a definitive list of foods that trigger seborrhea for everyone, certain ingredients can provoke or worsen the condition in some individuals. In addition to avoiding potential dietary triggers, some foods and nutrients can aid in the treatment of seborrhea due to their anti-inflammatory properties, such as those rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Additionally, foods high in probiotics, like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods, can help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the gut.

Foods that can trigger seborrhea include:

Excessive sugar intake can increase inflammation and lead to flare-ups.

Foods like white bread, pasta, and pastries can have a similar inflammatory effect as high-sugar foods.

Milk, cheese, and other dairy products can worsen symptoms, increasing inflammation and itching.

Alcohol consumption may trigger or exacerbate seborrhea in some individuals due to its inflammatory effects and potential negative impact on immune function.

Foods high in unhealthy fats can contribute to increased oil production and inflammation.

These often contain additives, preservatives, and unhealthy fats that can worsen the condition.

The Relationship Between Seborrhea and Hormonal Balance

Hormonal Fluctuations

Hormonal fluctuations (such as those during puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or PCOS) can affect androgen levels or cause variations in sebum production, leading to flare-ups of seborrhea.


Stress cannot be overlooked, as it can lead to increased production of cortisol, a hormone that can worsen inflammation and oiliness, potentially exacerbating seborrheic dermatitis.

Conditions Affecting the Adrenal Glands

Conditions affecting the adrenal glands, such as adrenal hyperfunction, can also alter androgen levels and influence sebaceous gland inflammation. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can impact skin health. Although these conditions may not directly lead to seborrhea, they can cause changes in the skin that worsen the condition.


Hormonal conditions and changes can significantly influence the development and worsening of seborrhea. Androgens, including testosterone, increase sebum production by the sebaceous glands. Elevated androgen levels can lead to oily skin, which is more susceptible to seborrheic dermatitis.

Managing and Reducing Stress

How can you manage stress and the discomforts or illnesses that arise from it? The first step is to identify the source of your constant stress. However, pinpointing the source of stress can be difficult, so it’s important to improve our quality of life and habits to reduce daily pressures, stress, and anxiety.



Exercise releases endorphins, which help reduce stress and anxiety. Stress is often accompanied by muscle tension. Exercise can help relax muscles and reduce accumulated tension in the body, relieving the feeling of being “wound up.” Regular exercise improves sleep quality, circulation, digestion, and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, often accompanied by psychological benefits.


Creative Hobbies

Engaging in creative hobbies is an excellent way to reduce stress as they provide a distraction from daily worries, stimulate creativity, and allow for immersion in activities. Create your own decorations or gifts, or try various DIY projects that require focused work! Listen to calming music or try playing an instrument or singing. Singing and instrumental music can be great stress relievers. Going out into nature or the city to take photographs can also provide creative relaxation.



Visit a wellness facility where you can enjoy massages, hot baths, saunas, and other relaxation therapies. These experiences can help you unwind, relieve tension, and reduce stress.


Breathing Exercises

Your breathing directly reflects the level of tension in your body, so conscious breathing can be very beneficial. Steady breathing automatically reduces stress hormone levels in the body, slows heart rate, and lowers blood pressure. In a relaxed and calm state, breathing becomes deeper and fuller, utilizing the abdominal area more.



We rarely recognize moments when we simply “are,” and Western societies often struggle to comprehend the concept of doing nothing or merely “existing.” Meditation can lead us to this state; it allows us to completely pause, release our thoughts, and focus solely on the present moment.



Yoga promotes the unity of mind, body, and spirit. In Western societies, yoga is often viewed as stretching; however, it encompasses a broader life philosophy and a structured system for personal transformation. This system includes a vegetarian diet, an ethical code, concentration and relaxation practices, specialized breathing techniques, and meditation.

What lab or medical tests are recommended for seborrhea?

Food intolerance test
Allergy test
Celiac disease screening
Comprehensive lab work + hormone panel
Insulin intolerance
Histamine sensitivity

Medications prescribed by dermatologists cannot be used long-term due to side effects, and they often only provide temporary relief! What can we do in this case?

Treatment of Seborrhea


Reducing External Inflammation

There are several methods for treating seborrhea. Often, products containing artificial substances and medications are used, which can lead to multiple issues. Aggressive shampoos, creams, and medications are used to eliminate seborrhea, but these offer only a short-term solution, lasting at most three months. After stopping the treatment, the condition of the skin often worsens. However, if these products are used continuously, they can cause permanent damage to the skin’s health, leading to inflammation of the skin and hair follicles, chronic atrophy, and hair loss.

For long-lasting results and healing, chemical-free and 100% natural products provide a sustainable solution. Using natural products can help not only alleviate symptoms but also prevent the recurrence of seborrhea!


Avoid Aggressive Medications and Treatments; Choose 100% Natural Options!

Nowadays, many treatments disguised as “medical” options are available that offer quick and effective solutions, but they usually only help for a few weeks to months before the problem worsens. Most treatments that involve injections or needles aim to deliver active ingredients as deeply as possible. The risk is that these substances often contain chemicals and can be harsh medications, potentially causing the skin to become dependent on them.

There are numerous natural alternatives on the market that can replace certain medications, such as herbal teas, tinctures, adaptogenic herbal preparations, superfoods, and more. The only sustainable solution for reducing medication intake is lifestyle change!

Bad seborrhea symptoms are often triggered by harsh skincare products. For lasting healing, chemical-free and 100% natural products provide a long-term solution.


Restoring Digestive Health and Correcting Malabsorption Issues

Our intestines are connected with everything! When lab tests or other diagnostics reveal deficiencies, it’s often due to poor nutrition. However, in many cases, the underlying issue is malabsorption or an improperly functioning digestive system.

Taking large amounts of vitamins daily may not be the best solution, as an inflamed digestive tract cannot utilize them properly. The first and most important step is to restore gut health and establish a diet rich in antioxidants and fiber. Avoid all pre-packaged “factory” foods and highly processed, non-fresh items!

We now know that some foods can irritate the digestive system and cause inflammation in the body. Gluten, lactose, milk protein, egg whites, and yeast are among the most common food proteins that cause problems, but unfortunately, over time, an increasing number of proteins can lead to inflammation if the underlying condition is not treated promptly.


The Importance of a Balanced Diet

One’s diet plays a crucial role in the development and severity of diseases, including seborrhea. It’s important to note that seborrhea is always accompanied by food intolerances—most commonly to gluten, dairy, eggs, and yeast. Identifying and addressing these intolerances is essential for symptom management.

It’s recommended to minimize fatty foods, dairy products, and sugar. Sugar intake should be reduced as much as possible since the bacteria and fungi linked to seborrhea feed on sugar. Due to the presence of these fungi and bacteria, a candida test is also recommended for more effective treatment. When choosing carbohydrates, prioritize fiber-rich and whole-grain foods, and make sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, preferably low-sugar ones. Lastly, don’t forget to maintain proper hydration, by drinking enough fluids.

In many cases, the issue isn’t what we eat, but what we don’t eat!

Those who don’t consume foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals will eventually face deficiencies. These deficiencies can manifest as inflammation, which is also true for seborrhea.

When lab or other tests reveal a deficiency, it’s often due to an absorption issue. If a deficiency is confirmed, it’s essential to continuously replenish the missing nutrients and pay close attention to digestive health. Deficiencies typically arise from poor or incomplete nutrition, but more often, they stem from improper functioning of the digestive system.

Taking large amounts of vitamins and minerals may not be the best solution, especially if the digestive system is inflamed and unable to absorb them properly. The first and most important step is to improve gut health and focus on a diet rich in antioxidants and fiber.

Additional tips for treating seborrhea:

Regulate the oil production of your skin and scalp with your diet and the right hair and skincare products.

Detox your body and skin, both internally and externally.

Stay hydrated! Drink enough fluids and moisturize your skin regularly.

Manage stress and address its emotional triggers. Seek professional help if you experience symptoms related to poor mental or emotional health.

Exfoliate regularly. Our natural products can help you with this!

Avoid irritants and allergens.

If you’re looking for an effective method to treat seborrhea: Oxygen Therapy

Seborrhea Treatment with Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy offers an effective solution for treating seborrhea by improving oxygen supply to the skin and hair follicles, while boosting scalp immunity with a combination of oxygen and active ingredients. It stimulates circulation, helps remove toxins, and reduces inflammation, thereby alleviating seborrhea symptoms like dandruff and excess oil production.

This treatment offers a natural, chemical-free option that is gentle on the skin, unlike many traditional products with harsh chemicals. It offers lasting, positive results for scalp problems.

Oxygen therapy for hair and skin is a personalized treatment suitable for any scalp and skin condition, delivering positive, visible results. The process is 100% safe, and risk-free, and uses natural, chemical-free ingredients.

If you’re struggling with seborrhea, we invite you to visit our salons for expert help! Let us support you on your journey to healthier skin and hair!

How to Manage Seborrhea Symptoms at Home?

To effectively treat seborrhea at home, regular and proper scalp and hair care is essential. Start by choosing gentle yet effective shampoos that help reduce excessive oiliness and dandruff. Avoid washing your hair with hot water, as it can irritate the skin. Using natural oils like tea tree oil or aloe vera is also recommended, as these ingredients soothe inflamed skin and help prevent infections. Additionally, reducing stress and maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can further alleviate seborrhea symptoms.

Natural ingredients for treating seborrhea :

Tea tree oil: This powerful antimicrobial agent helps eliminate Malassezia fungus, a primary cause of seborrhea. It is also effective against other fungi and bacteria that can lead to infections.

Aloe vera: Known for its natural anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera helps reduce inflammation, redness, and irritation caused by seborrhea.

Coconut oil: Rich in fatty acids, vitamins (especially B vitamins), and antioxidants, coconut oil promotes skin health and regeneration. It deeply hydrates the skin, making it less prone to flaking and itching.

Jojoba oil: With natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, jojoba oil helps prevent infections without clogging pores, thus not exacerbating oily skin.

Lavender oil: Recognized for its calming effects, helping to reduce stress and anxiety that can worsen seborrhea symptoms. Reducing stress can lead to improvements in skin health.

Try our skincare products made with 100% natural ingredients for gentle and effective skincare!

For long-lasting healing, using chemical-free and 100% natural products offers a sustainable solution. Chemical-free products can help reduce intolerances, as their natural ingredients do not irritate the skin or scalp and work effectively. Using natural products can not only alleviate symptoms but also aid in prevention.

Our products and bundles are excellent solutions for managing seborrhea at home. Below we’ll show you which items to incorporate into your hair and skincare routine if you’re dealing with this skin condition.


Products for treating seborrhea:

To effectively manage your seborrheic skin and scalp, we highly recommend these product bundles. These products work together to cleanse, hydrate, and reduce inflammation, specifically targeting oil production and irritation. Thanks to their 100% natural composition, they provide a long-term solution for seborrhea treatment.

Detox Wash:

The main active ingredient in Detox Wash is cucumber extract, which regulates sebum production, making it excellent for oily skin and scalp issues associated with oily seborrhea. It has powerful hydrating, cleansing, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate the itching and redness caused by seborrhea. The trace elements containing vitamin B5 penetrate the skin layers and combat the oily dandruff caused by seborrhea.

Hydrate Mask:

Due to its ricinoleic acid content, the Hydrate Mask has antibacterial properties, making it effective for treating seborrheic, inflamed, and irritated skin and scalp. It gently regenerates dry, dull hair and skin that have been treated with chemicals. This mask has intense nourishing, anti-inflammatory, and moisture-regulating properties, helping to combat the inflammation caused by seborrhea.

Detox Oil:

The main active ingredients in Detox Oil are tea tree and rosemary oils, which support the detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal processes of the scalp—crucial for seborrhea. This vitamin- and trace-element-rich product has a strong soothing effect, making it ideal for affected skin and scalp areas. It also regulates sebum production, helping to combat oily seborrhea. The Detox Oil stimulates blood flow and regulates dandruff on the scalp, making it an excellent choice for treating inflamed, infected, or damaged skin layers.

Pure Aloe Vera:

Pure Aloe Vera is produced by cold-pressing the aloe vera plant. It acts as an effective carrier for oils and absorbs quickly without leaving a sticky residue. It soothes and hydrates sensitive skin while reducing irritation. It alleviates the symptoms of seborrhea, inflammation, and redness, making it perfect for dandruff and oiliness. Aloe vera has intense hydrating, healing, soothing, and regenerating properties suitable for all skin types.


  • For Hair and scalp: Mix 10-50 ml of Detox Wash (depending on hair length) in an applicator and distribute evenly over the scalp. Do not mix shampoos and cleansers in advance; pre-mixed products should only be used within 24 hours since they do not contain preservatives.
    Apply a walnut-sized amount of Hydrate Mask to your roots, spreading it to the ends. Leave the mask on for 5-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly from your hair and scalp.
    In a spray bottle, mix 10 ml of Pure Aloe Vera and 3-5 drops of Detox Oil. Shake the mixture well and spray onto towel-dried roots after washing your hair, massaging it in before drying your hair.
  • For Skin: Use Detox Wash as a shower gel or facial cleanser by applying it to your skin and rinsing off. Apply a small amount of Hydrate Mask to the problem area. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off any excess. In a spray bottle, mix a small amount of Pure Aloe Vera and Detox Oil for the problem area. Shake the mixture well, spray it on the affected area, and allow it to absorb.

Hydrate Wash:

Hydrate Wash is a multifunctional product recommended for treating dry scalp and skin. It works perfectly as a shampoo, shower gel, and facial cleanser. Thanks to its valuable active ingredients, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making the skin more resilient. Therefore, it is highly recommended for treating dry seborrhea. Additionally, pantothenic acid reduces tissue inflammation and strengthens collagen fibers. The trace elements containing vitamin B5 help eliminate dandruff and address the problems of dry scalp and skin, effectively combating the unpleasant symptoms of dry seborrhea.

Hydrate Mask:

Due to its ricinoleic acid content, Hydrate Mask possesses antibacterial properties, making it effective in treating inflamed, damaged skin and scalp, which are common symptoms of seborrhea. It gently regenerates dry, dull hair and skin that have been treated with chemicals. The mask has intensive nourishing, anti-inflammatory, and moisture-regulating properties, thus reducing dryness and irritation caused by seborrhea.

Repair Cream:

Repair Cream is a luxurious skin and body moisturizer that can be applied to all skin surfaces. Thanks to its content of rice, macadamia, grape, and flaxseed oils, it is a nourishing remedy for seborrheic skin. This 100% chemical-free moisturizing cream contains natural ingredients and an allergen-free fragrance, making it excellent for treating seborrhea. It also contains shea butter, a deeply nourishing ingredient recommended for dry, inflamed, and damaged skin.


  • For hair and scalp: Dilute 10-50 ml of Hydrate Wash (depending on hair length) in an applicator and evenly distribute it on the scalp. Do not pre-mix shampoos and cleansers in the applicator! Pre-mixed products can only be used within 24 hours, as they do not contain preservatives. Apply a walnut-sized amount of Hydrate Mask to the roots and spread it all the way to the tips. Leave the mask on for 5-15 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly from your hair and scalp! For treating dry hair ends, disperse 2-3 pumps of Repair Cream into your hand, then apply it to the damp ends of your hair and start drying your hair.
  • For skin: As a shower gel or facial cleanser, simply apply Hydrate Wash to the skin and cleanse it, then rinse it off. Apply a small amount of Hydrate Mask to the problem area! Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off any excess. Apply a suitable amount of Repair Cream to the problem area on your face or skin and allow it to absorb; there is no need to rinse this off.
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